
Voice in the Silence
A space has been created. An empty landscape, a room in shadows, borders with walls, a world with an invisible cover. In all of them, silence.
A pause on the road of life, a chance to listen the messages. Listen the shout from the earth, the plants, the animals, the man who doesn’t know, from the suffering child.
I want to break into the greed rhythm of life, and to listen to what ever those who have no voice want to say.
That will be my message, I will do it without words, since I have no pulpit other than my work. I try to convey their silence and change the quietness into shouts for attention.

2021 on progress
My Cities
Where am I?
Who cares
My soul is flying free all over
And from above I can see my cities
Cities that catch me forever and don’t let me go

“2021 Sassoferrato ANMAIT”

My Place
I am home
Wherever it is
It is not a space
It is a feeling
A belonging
Is the place where I want to return after a long journey

After the Rain
Stop raining
Everything comes to life
New colors, new shapes
Life is there
Is like the spring that blooms
Only one duck appeared
Life was short for him
I am sad

And now the rain starts
Is the rain another border?
What is the difference between a wall, the forest and the rain?
I need to cross
To arrive to the other side
May be is better there

I continue thinking in the borders
In the other space
Is not the forest a border?
I cannot see what is happening there
So many trees make a wall
I don’t know what will happen if I enter there
May be I will be immerse in the borderland
The only think I can see is the forest
There are only trees
More than one tree
A lot of trees
May be the light can enter
Is the light that makes shadows?
Or there are monster and spirit in the forest

There is a land in the border that doesn’t belong to anybody
The borderland
It is a free space
The space where anything can happen
There are two sides
The limit between sides makes the border
In the middle, the borderland exist
They want to trespass the line
The other side is better
Always the other side is better
Or seems better
And they are waiting
Doesn’t matter for how long or in what conditions
It is only one goal
To cross the border
And may be because that
They will be in the borderland forever

Why meanwhile? May be because is another space.
Is the time in between times.
Is the waiting period.
Is the hope.
Is the incertitude
Nothing is clear today but may be tomorrow will be

I discovered printing or the printing discovered me?
A new world appeared under my eyes.
I used different techniques and I discovered new shapes to used in my creation.

Species, They Cannot Talk
“… No man is an island, entire of itself; ever man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee” John Donne, Meditation XVII

Symbol of freedom, passage and new reality, the birds are always with me.
I am a daughter of a veteran who was held in a concentration camp during the WWII.
There are certain unforgettable events that are always in your mind.
Freedom was in my childhood and stay with me during all my life.
Birds can fly, can dance and can also die.
Mix Media, oil, pigments and ink on canvas

The Cubism was the first movement that researching into the art history picked up all the discoveries and developed a new language to manage the energy in a new surface, without using the perspective.
I studied for many years this movement as the base of my own image being the starting point of all my art.
Paintings in oil on hard board.

I want to use this drawing as a sample of my traditional drawing skills.
It is hard to describe the pleasure of feeling the pencil touching the plane surface of the paper.
Slowly,slowly I discover the process that leads me to create.
I keep drawing and enjoying the process where from an empty blank surface I convey an idea.